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Contact Id: Robertho_Cs ….. Press 'G' to Activate Aim Press 'F2' to Activate No Recoil This is just cfg no leis sxe, Just … cs - vertical-aim.cfg, cfg silent aim cs 1.6, cfg snk original pgl, aim config cs. aver esta cfg wachin pruevo y edito cabron Aver todo coco ndea. Тип конфига: Aim Cкрипт: в архиве cfg+dll PericoL.rar. Тип конфига: Hard cfg. Скрипт: Код: unbindall bind 'TAB' '+showscores' bind 'ENTER' '+attack' bind 'ESCAPE' 'cancelselect' bind 'SPACE' '+jump' bind '' '+moveup' bind ',' 'buyammo1' bind '.' 'buyammo2' bind '/' '+movedown' bind '0' 'slot10'. cfg sedan original download, cs 1.6 config.cfg original download, download leis silent aim cs 1.6 fisierulmeu, download cfg norecoil aim 2012, silent aim cfg cs 1.6 download. Fisierulmeu cfg snk original aim no recoil cs 1. 6 snk aim cfg sk Aim snk se results silent house zip cfg fisierulmeu cfg un silent-aim. 5 install Server.. Desсription : Counter Strike 1.6 Aim+Wall Download Acest mod te ajuta a (bY k1Du) Dau acest cfg doar pentru like comment si subscribe. CFG ap0gistul !! RAGE#AIMBOT.dll. Private Aim by raiz0. raiz0 Private Aim , is a new kind of aim that will improve your gameplay.. ESP - Dot (This is DISABLED by default , you can enable it , will show a dot on player head) - Custom. Extract all the files (3 files : raiz0.dll ; raiz0.asi ; Settings.ini) and place them in your Counter Strike folder. HaN.cfg by MuNez STAR #original config 2011#2012 Public Creation Dw: EXE.DLL Download: NO RECOIL STEAM WORK LEGAL [REG ON] Download: AIM + WALL + ESP FINAL - STEAM. Crystal.cfg AIM By AfGanistanu - posted in CFG -uri: Este un cfg aim 100% si no-recoil pentru toate armele, in special pentru deagle / ak47 / awp si multe altele. Este probabil unul dintre cele mai bune cfg-uri din lume. Download Config : Aici. core.dll - original dll file, download here. One click to download this file. Repair your system. step 1: create a file in your C: root called 'config.cfg' (so the file path is C:config.cfg) step 4: copy the default config contents (shown below) to your new config.cfg file step 3: download the cheat dll to anywhere on your computer step 4: download any injector you wish (i use winject) step 5: if your injector. Autor : SeMaKKa. Descriere: Este un config din pgl creat de SeMaKKa. Instalare : 1. Pentru steam (Se copiaza folderele din arhiva in C./program files/steam/SteamApps/common/Half-Life/cstrike). PGL..cfg. 2. Pentru Non Steam (Se copiaza folderele din arhiva in C./program files/counter strike/cstrike). PGL. Counter Strike 1.6☆ROCA CONFIG ☆[CFG+DLL] ☆CS 1.6 AIM CFG☆ by KlaxeR. 381 views • 3 months ago · Counter Strike 1.6 ☆ MY CONFIG ☆ DEFAULT AIM CFG☆ by KlaxeR CFG AIM 2:5. snuffer v2 AIM ! [Unul dintre cele mai asteptate CFG-uri] Instructiuni: - Bagati kNifeR.cfg in CSTRIKE - Bagati kNifeR.dll in Counter-Strike si CSTRIKE. - Intra. kraZy.cfg Contine Scripturi de: -Aim full -No Recoil 40% -No Spread 40% Weapons: Ak47 1gl/1hs M4a1 1gl/1hs Deagle 1gl/1hs Usp 1gl/1hs Glock 2gl/1hs Famas. Tutorial de instalare: kraZy.cfg. Valve.rc --->> Counter-Strike/cstrike. Aim.dll. AIMBOT.dll --->> Counter-Strike/cstrike/dlls and c_dlls kraZy.dll ... jocuri free download , free download cfg silent aim ,dll , aimbot for counter strike 1.6 free download, scripts aim , eac , voiplay , Vac : WWW.MANGACS.3XFORUM.RO WWW.MANGACS.3XFORUM.RO FREE DOWNLOAD Cheat counter strike eac3 vac3 aimbot dll yahoo facebook hack aegiss, Lista Forumurilor Pe Tematici. Fazla Uzatmak İstemiyorum, Videoları İzleyin Ve Görün Ben Bu Kadar Diyorum Yani.... Deneyin Görün, Farkı Hissedin ! (; Not ; Afganistanu'nun kendi sitesinden alıntıdır..!!! Yinede emeğime saygı lütfen, İyi oyunlar. Pack The Best CFG`s 2010 AIM full [dll aim 100 %] download - 2shared CfG Default. 0, v1S'z0R, 891, 29/05/2012 19:08 v1S'z0R · Vizualizarea ultimului mesaj. Nu sunt mesaje noi, aNNtid0t;X Dll Original. 0, v1S'z0R, 941, 27/05/2012 19:05 v1S'z0R · Vizualizarea ultimului mesaj. Nu sunt mesaje noi, aNN;X Dll aim pur ! 0, v1S'z0R, 1016, 24/05/2012 19:45 v1S'z0R · Vizualizarea ultimului mesaj. Blogul lui nDyc3 100% aim binduri arme cfg cs 1.6 dll aim download no recoil no spread skill cs 1.6 nDyc3.cFg 100% aim + dll + no recoil + no spread 2016. Elimizde olan dll dosyamızı 'cstrike/dlls' klasörüne atıyoruz. Daha sonra cs 1.6 oyunumuzu açıyoruz. Consolu açıyoruz ve load.dllisim.dll yazıyoruz. 'isim' yazan yere dll ismini yazıyoruz. Bunları yaptıktan sonra 'error' vermediyse .dll aktif edilmiştir. Va salut din nou prieteni intr-o noua postare. Acum am sa va prezint un cfg foarte bun realizat de styr0. Acest cfg are pe langa el si un dll la fel de bun care contine setari pentru pure aim , mai exact un recoil mai bun pentru a trage mai bine la cap in general. Eu acum cateva luni am incercat acest cfg si dll in. Dupa multe teste si multi nerviam realizat in sfarsit ce mi-am propus si anume sa introduc intr-un CFG un aim foarte eficient. Pe scurt am sa va explic ce contine acest prim pack HSH BRUTAL AIMBOT: bagati in cstrike___dlls___cl/dlls -Iar celelalte fisiere le bagati in cstrike. Pack.ul contine: Cfg by hEaDgN Contine: -No-cecoil -aim 50% Link: sper sa va plaka pass : andrei. piece, cs, movie, cheat, cfg, cheat, konfig, cfg, aim, dll, best, aim, cfg, aim konfigi, aim config cfg, best cs portal, gaertet saitze, sauketeso cs portali saartveloshi, geimer, gamer, kon.. Download გადმოწერა, highland eax BALBOA Original CFG download. Autor: jo!NNN [;x] # Descriere: Dai HeadShoT fara sa vrei . # Download: Aimbot - Counter-Strike 1.6 cheats - hacks tagged with aimbot. Page 1. this lets you configure this cheat anywhere from a subtle aim assist to a rage hack. setup instructions: step 1: create a file in your C: root called 'config.cfg' (so the file path is C:config.cfg) step 4: copy the default config contents (shown below) to your new config.cfg file step 3: download the cheat dll to. Salut TpU As dori si eu un cfg de cs cu aim... silent aim. Care ma ajuta primeste o Funda. In your counterstrike directory there are a few files, server.cfg, liblist.gam, motd.txt, mapcycle.txt and autoexec.cfg.. If you don't specify one the default is used.. The nomaster is if you have cs.ns and only update client.dll, noipx is to remove ipx because it can cause problems, the port is whatever port you want it running on. ... решит сит россып— bus quidam ; fed iniufta ageutibus coniuncta ‚ tur?) fermier: fed dimicare de principatu, de honore 8C gloria рек-Миш, nullo vuquam œuo delìicit. atque ea vos ita fplciidida & couuenientia veßrivmoribus dll' purabalis, vt ё: ê maioribus eos qui hœc fecerút» niaximè Наденьте шшпа.. aim@ cfg. ეს არის მისი პირველი CFG რომელსაც არ ვიცი რა ვუწოდო იმენა ძააან გიჟია. მოდი იმასაც გეტყვით რომ ეს CFG ადრე უნდა დამედო მაგრამ თვითონ მან მთხოვა რო ეს ჯერ არ გამეკეთებინა, რადგან უნდოდა მისი განახლება და უფრო გაუმჯობესება :) ახლა კი შეგიძლიათ გადაწეროთ მისი დასრულებული და სრული. Counter strike 1.6 aimbot.dll Afganistanu agn cfg aim dll snk aimbot wall hack cstrike Permalink. 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Data de înscriere : 04/05/2012
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Subiect: cfg lui Afganistanu si echipa lui V.I.P Sam Mai 12, 2012 11:07 pm | |
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F9 si CTRL + Z ******************************************************************************************* RamziS CFG FULL AIM ******************************************************************************************* New Aim GeneratioN by dAlyw0w [PURE AIM] ******************************************************************************************* FULL.CFG By sHk & Reflex [LIFE TIME] ******************************************************************************************* snAke.dll by h4x NEW LINK 3RHKCNT6TQ Aveti Un Tutorial Aim STEAM / NO STEAM Autor : sHk ShArk Tutorial Incorporat Password : aim ******************************************************************************************* BoykA CFG *Pass:FdhlLJFyFT *Este unul dintre cele mai bune cfg_ee! *eNjoy!! ******************************************************************************************* Vann BuereN Pass:AH!IaoOfO4mV eNjoy!!! ******************************************************************************************* pure.dll by william 27J8FG8KAA dl se activeaza singur se baga in cstrike counterstrike cll_dlls dlls ******************************************************************************************* RECOIL.DLL BY EMOTION 4 un nou dll private pt voi HaVe FuN !!! ******************************************************************************************* SHAQ PRIVATE AIM 3331GTVHJJ un LEIS FACUT DE mine nedetectabil de vac nu sare tinta eu zic ca e printre cele mai bune HaVe FuN ******************************************************************************************* Afganistanu Skins [STEAM/NON-STEAM] Tutorial: -Le bagati in models pentru ce-i cu[Non-Steam/Replace all]. -Creati folderul models si le puneti acolo [Steam]. ******************************************************************************************* IGNITION PRIVATE AIM CFG 2011 BY CRUSHER 21JQ0FCFVW ----Este noul meu cfg---- -cfg se pune in cstrike- -dll se activeaza singur- -dll se baga in cstrike counter strike cl_dlls dlls CEL MAI BUN CFG AL MEU deaia lam pus la sec vip deci bucurativa si incercatil !!!! ******************************************************************************************* MuhammadAgN [all]qeedA SILENT AIM PERSONALIZAT K3LG24AB22 ******************************************************************************************* WILIAM PRIVATE AIM pass:wiliamaim ******************************************************************************************* Private Aim by cHz @ cHinezZzu ******************************************************************************************* CRUSHER.cfg Ace AimboT 2011 T5YRYXJ0JC ******************************************************************************************* Psycho Krayzie[ULTIMATE AIMBOT&NO RECOIL] *pass:AH!IaoOfO4mV *eNjoy!!! *Este un cfg exceptional! ******************************************************************************************* AgN rec (aur curat) ******************************************************************************************* Afganistanu Original Silent Aim ******************************************************************************************* Silent Setat perfect Try IT ******************************************************************************************* NEW AIM CONFIG ! DGLADDICTED ! parola: aleckscfg ----Este noul meu cfg---- -cfg se pune in cstrike- -dll se activeaza singur- -dll se baga in cstrike counter strike cl_dlls dlls CEL MAI BUN CFG AL MEU deaia lam pus la sec vip BAFTA LA HSS ! ******************************************************************************************* AIMBOT FOR VIP - by H4Xed - ******************************************************************************************* MUTILATION cfg by h4Xed ******************************************************************************************* Leis h4Xed new GOLD EDITION ... N-rar.html ******************************************************************************************* Leis h4Xed new Silver EDITION ... N-rar.html ******************************************************************************************* h0rror AIM by h4Xed ... y-rar.html ******************************************************************************************* baSS0N cfg ******************************************************************************************* ALIEN -cfg ******************************************************************************************* Leis setting by maNifesT /file/GyaHXkgS/Le Nume:maNifesT Original PRO LEIS Autor:maNifesT Pass: oeeviunw74mcn327 PRIVATE! ******************************************************************************************* extra cfg AIM by maX 7Y8TLOLQ0C ******************************************************************************************* zzNITRO Cfg AIM D37NKURJZ2 ******************************************************************************************* Aimbot.dll V1 by h4Xed PRIVATE TRLCOYJW97 Pass: oiuytrdy37efyw892uy834y PRIVATE! ******************************************************************************************* maNifesT v1 CFG BEST /file/VI7TIvzy/maNifesT_v1.html Nume: maNifesT v1 AIM Autor: maNifesT;x Cfg-urile in cstrike Orice dll vreti voi in cl_dlls si valve PRIVATE! ******************************************************************************************* SUBZERO AIM V2.0 COKC4VL1MV ******************************************************************************************* private aim by cHz 9HA7K9AD69 Este un aim privat facut de cHz. ******************************************************************************************* JohN.CFG sXe SettinG Password : onecs ******************************************************************************************* Element.dll by sHk YWTGRS313J ******************************************************************************************* Bless Destroy CFG pass:bless. ******************************************************************************************* PRIVATE PACK By ionutzor Special Pentru MangaCs ******************************************************************************************* Mega Pack MytZaNNNu-AcE-w0w ******************************************************************************************* A I M B O T the BEST ******************************************************************************************* EmotioN 4 PRIVATE AIM ******************************************************************************************* agN #Ex Udp qpack Aim + No recoil K7MSV6UUHW ******************************************************************************************* k1d Aim Cfg ******************************************************************************************* EmotioN 4 PRIVATE AIM by AGN ******************************************************************************************* By AgN ******************************************************************************************* Underground AIMBOT ******************************************************************************************* Mini Pack ******************************************************************************************* AIM inteligent Work on Steam ******************************************************************************************* RasE cfg ******************************************************************************************* DLL Nu baneaza STEAM dll se baga in cstrike !! ******************************************************************************************* CFG aim PRIVAT ******************************************************************************************* CFG BY YAK ******************************************************************************************* FULL CFG by sHk PRIVATE ******************************************************************************************* eeKILL.dll Best creation by OnlyAdN aka maNifest and h4Xed Nume: eeKILL.dll Autor: OnlyAdN , h4Xed Parola: ******************************************************************************************* GeneratioN version 2 /file/EHpL33M9/Ge ... VER_2.html 1)Daca ati luat flash smoke tineti apasat pe P 2)Pentru wallhack tineti apasat pe rotita de la MOUSE 3)Nu sare tinta Nu se vede in demo 4)Merge pe Steam nu stiu daca baneaza 5)Csul trebuie setat pe OpenGL! 6)Da si cap si corp! (Daca pui si userconfig.cfg) Bafta! ******************************************************************************************* h4Xed[lifetime].dll Y7BT008WOM Este versiunea ceva veche de 46 MB Pe cel nou nu il pun are 64 mb poate la urmatorul UPDATE DOwnload; Y7BT008WOM password: thso83js982js83us83hjuqqw689 ******************************************************************************************* AIMBOT.dll by h4Xed V2 PRIVATE QTH7BXJAGW password: qwertyhgseryop2362c23 PRIVATE! ******************************************************************************************* EVOLUTION lifetime cs1.6 [AGN AIMBOT] ******************************************************************************************* AIMBOT BY LnG ******************************************************************************************* SnK DLL /file/YiTbXjoC/sNk__AIMBOT.html ******************************************************************************************* Pure Ring Hack 8V42I6BE4T ******************************************************************************************* Maniacs CFG HMHYPG5VCL ******************************************************************************************* Blanky The best Leis XFOFZ5Y7SA ******************************************************************************************* RedemptioN cfg JD8Z3N88M8 ******************************************************************************************* Golden RC by kml RYUFMPSGLZ ******************************************************************************************* Veryron CFG 451VOQHN9A ******************************************************************************************* Reptile CFG Aimbot Realy W5IWZWZB7Y ******************************************************************************************* LoUiE CFG UHVSH6X3FW ******************************************************************************************* m1n1mal cfg IH2EBM76IC ******************************************************************************************* Jimy cfg E5T4UX2E60 ******************************************************************************************* Dealer CFG 9AH08Q49R0 ******************************************************************************************* DavE cfg 9ILZ7PXE35 ******************************************************************************************* OnlyLnG Power SILENT AIM ******************************************************************************************* ORIGINAL CFG AGN ******************************************************************************************* AgN AIMBOT FSVLV2V2FZ ******************************************************************************************* PunkaS cfg DXNEO4LZC0 ******************************************************************************************* ADN CFG pass: propacklongstride ******************************************************************************************* uNk Lifetime mini DgL and m4a1a best cfg by uNk privat pass || mangacs cfg -- cstrike dll -- cstrike | cl_dll |dll dll -- counter-Strike dll -- Valve | cl_dll |dll exec xdn.cfg load xdn.dll play xdn.dll Go Go Go!! ******************************************************************************************* INSANE PRO LEGIT AIMBOT by vtnNNNN aNd sHk /file/cVQSIJy4/IN ... IMBOT.html ******************************************************************************************* reGtologY[PureAimbot] ******************************************************************************************* xCratH [CFG] FhilozopiC AIMBOT by vtnNNNN ******************************************************************************************* Steam cfg GLBNBJBJCF ******************************************************************************************* WILIAM SILENT AIM ******************************************************************************************* generatioN [eclipsE] # Best Aimbot by vtnNNNNN /file/wkZLP1gA/eclipsE.html ******************************************************************************************* raNk generatio[N] PureAimbot by vtnNNN & sHk /file/QEFKUCwl/ra ******************************************************************************************* 2MoTioN original PRIVATED leis !!! /file/xqN82CCn/2MoTioN.html ******************************************************************************************* met0ri standard Hack ******************************************************************************************* HEADSHOT CFG BY kml ECXJOPWGN0 ******************************************************************************************* DELETE.DLL By sHk & Edward COUNTER-STRIKE CSTRIKE CSTRIKE/CL_DLLS CSTRIKE/DLLS SPOR LA HS ******************************************************************************************* Intelligent Aimbot #Pass:h=*d3oSGo;Cu #Tutorial: -Copiati .dll in Counter-Strike,valve,gldrv #eNjoy!!! ******************************************************************************************* wHy [EURO#CONFIGURATION] by silencE ******************************************************************************************* AdN LIFE TIME [PURE AIM] ******************************************************************************************* ExilE.CFG BOOM AIM HISTORY LEGENDARY N7AVK2YK CFG + RC EXILE.CFG IN CSTRIKE EXILE.RC IN CSTRIKE DLL + INI EXILE.DLL IN COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 EXILE.DLL IN CSTRIKE/CL_DLLS EXILE.DLL IN CSTRIKE/DLLS EXILE.DLL IN VALVE AIM.DLL IN COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 AIM.DLL IN CSTRIKE/CL_DLLS AIM.DLL IN CSTRIKE/DLLS AIM.DLL IN VALVE IMPERFECT HEADSHOT STYLE ExilE.INI IN COUNTER-STRIKE ExilE.INI IN CSTRIKE ******************************************************************************************* AgNfplay Aim Ultimated 4YRPMC3RY5 ******************************************************************************************* Cataclysm.cfg+DLL Dyn4myk Productions Un cfg foarte nou si foarte bun facut de mine azi pe data de 07/03/2011 Doar dezarhivati Cataclysm.cfg+DLL By Dyn4myk ,luati tot din folderul cu acelasi nume ,puneti in cstrike ,intrati in joc si scrieti in consola exec Cataclysm.cfg! DLL-urile se executa singure! Cataclysm.cfg+DLL By Dyn4myk Productions!enjoy!: ******************************************************************************************* WhazZzZzup17 Model's [RED&BLUE] TNBI8AGX Se vede ca la wall. Parola:WhazZzZzup17 ******************************************************************************************* [MUNEZ] .Cfg [LegeNd Cs # The best player of ROMANIA] Privat Cfg ******************************************************************************************* Framework HL1 AIMBOT Best aim Atentie: Pentru al folosi dezactivati antivirusul. -Il puteti seta cum vreti -Nu se vede la demo nici cu hltv nici cu dem_forcehltv1 -Nu este detectabil de nici un anticheat -Este un aim clasic Va asigur ca este cel original ******************************************************************************************* UNLIMITED.DLL By EmotioN 4 ******************************************************************************************* rAnkky.dll 1g ******************************************************************************************* POWERED.DLL ******************************************************************************************* NO SPREAD + AIM - STEAM ON [DLL] by [ionutzor] ******************************************************************************************* 43met0ri [Client Side] 1945 ******************************************************************************************* ECLIPSE # MORIAX HACK ******************************************************************************************* met0ri clientside hack 1338 by WhineR ******************************************************************************************* HACK-ARENA VIP HACKED BY ionutzor KCFBBQ7OXR pass:sNNNk O9VLF7FQ 3RHKCNT6TQ pass:aim pass:shk GRVE3U8GKJ pass:enter pass:shk pass:AgNNN 02GSA0EXJD pass:rwe555hdthdasaa334467yuhh PRC1ZOSAJU Z46HRD5D22 pass:Afganistanu2011 7XS4V85EG9 pass:fl00d ******************************************************************************************* RAGEAIMBOTv2 ******************************************************************************************* PrivaTed AimBot [Cfg,dll,exe,Reg] 2011 Pack by Afganistanu MJU0JYLNL2 PW: afganistanu232323aimbot33 ******************************************************************************************* APEX.DLL EVOLUTION 1911 CWY5JJW1 ******************************************************************************************* AIM + WALL + ESP - STEAM ON [DLL] G2DAMQ57 ******************************************************************************************* AIM + WALL + ESP FINAL - STEAM ON [DLL] YSHU7PJU ******************************************************************************************* NO RECOIL STEAM WORK LEGAL [REG ON] 4YLY0IF0 ******************************************************************************************* EXE.DLL By met0ri PFXE0PT0 ******************************************************************************************* 193YMQ19 password: hancfg566newaimpro0 ******************************************************************************************* wEdyLikkkE_Leis_AIMBOT__MIX_or_CW_or_Public_Style_Settings__WORKS ?5ck584b0869bg1n ******************************************************************************************* met0ri 1g PW: abracadabra ******************************************************************************************* AfGanistanu DGL Aim [Full Cfg + Rc AimBot 2011] PRIVATED PW: AfganistanuDgl ******************************************************************************************* CulleN.cfg by MUNEZ @ MNZ (Privat Config) Ireal Shot Aim 2011 62UPJ0C2 Pass Arhive: culleNCFGbymunez ******************************************************************************************* Snake FREE FOR MANGA ! ******************************************************************************************* shikari (Leis MOD) Cheat On EAC PW: mng-team(( ******************************************************************************************* AGAIN ACE AIMBOT 2011 [Privated CFG by Afganistanu] PW: romania.afganistanuCFG2011 Hello power Agn is back ! AGAIN.cfg < Tutorial de folosire > // ____________________________________________________________________ - Copiati agaiN.cfg in cstrike - agaiN.dll in counter strike / cstrike (In ambele foldere) - Valve.rc copii in cstrike - Nu intrati in CS - Executati AGN.reg dati ok /ok / ok - Apoi se da RR la pc - Si se intra la joc - Dati exec agaiN.cfg si jucati! // ____________________________________________________________________ AGAIN.cfg < Tutorial de folosire > // In caz ca acest cfg nu va este de folos vam pus o arhiva cu un leis personalizat care nu se vede in demo / nici cand se uita adminul pe tine ... toata faza este sa tineti tinta la capul adversarului! si o sa fiti PRO peste noapte :> // Tutorial + creators de Afganistanu // Va urez bafta la spart popice! DW: PW: romania.afganistanuCFG2011 // PS: Cfg-ul este privat si nu este pe nici-unul din forumurile cu cfg-uri din lume , cfg-ul este cea mai noua creatie a mea si , l-am pus pentru toti cei care au cumparat VIP pe acest forum, Have Fun!.... ******************************************************************************************* Configuri Private 11CRNP3K85 Sunt cfguri originale! cfg-urile sunt: Sedan,trashk,tweety,k1d,byno0,szr,dece ******************************************************************************************* awP Aim cfg by vtnNNNN /file/j-ZN2vxD/awP.html ******************************************************************************************* MANGA V.I.P VERSIUNEA VECHE 10937PKN5Z PASSWORD: DIRTYGAMEVIP ******************************************************************************************* ---------| ALL HACKED by xeNO* |--------- ---------| CONTACT Y.M: sexy_boys1994 |------------------------- ---------| HAVE FUN |--------- ---------| 05/12/2011 HACKED by xeNO*|--------- Partea aa Doua aa Programului hack by xeNO -----------xeNO* hacked--------- k1d 2G aImbot Ag 1048 Rare cfg Humanized Aimbot WRT1Q_AIM_1.00 PW:AgN1773aimmer met0ri CSH Eclipse CFG AIMBOT by simbad 4TWCRZIV PW:krymogenftw hackx PW:agn1772mngwoh CFG AIM PW:mangacsvipcfg MET0RI SERVERSIDE AGT4FSVM Mattyas Leis sub forma de DLL Private Ignition PW:privatedeaccod WAllhack 2.6 EAC codeq aimbot by Simbad LOBG2J9J EAC Hack farEsp Ag 1048 PW:eacsecured |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||by xeNO*||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Zoom in (real dimensions: 800 x 600)Imagine |