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Kumpulan Soal Toefl adalah situs materi dan soal Toefl. IBT, maupun TOEFL ITP, perhatikan tip dan. Download Soal UN SMP dan Pembahasannya. Rumus fisika sma sbmptn skor toefl soal cpns soal pdf soal toefl soal un. A three-foot octopus can crawl through a hole - in diameter. (A) than one inch less (B) less than one inch (C) one. Download Soal TOEFL dan Kunci Jawaban (PDF + AUDIO) TOEFLIELTSZONE 02.52.

Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure and Written Expression-Model Test 2) Jenis soal test TOEFL di bawah ini merupakan soal tes TOEFL ITP yang umum diselenggarakan di Indonesia. Tes TOEFL teridiri dari tiga sesi: listening comprehension, structure and written expression, dan reading comprehension. Untuk sesi listening comprhension, Anda akan menemui 50 nomor soal. Ke 50 soal itu dibagi dalam 3 part, yang dikenal sebagai part A yang terdiri dari 30 conversation pendek antar 2 orang. Setiap conversation diikuti 1 pertanyaan. Jadi ada 30 pertanyaan dalam listening part A. Listening part B terdiri dari 2 conversation panjang. Setiap conversation diikuti 4 pertanyaan. Jadi, ada 8 soal di sesi ke dua ini. Untuk sesi terakhir, listening part C terdiri dari 3 talk (semacam perkuliahan dengan speaker monolog). Lihat di sini untuk Contoh Tes Listening TOEFL Beserta Audio MP3 Kunci Jawaban. Sesi structure and written expression terdiri dari 40 soal. 40 soal itu terbagi dalam dua bagian. Nomor 1-15 merupakan sesi structure dan 16-40 masuk kategori sesi written expression. Anda mempunyai waktu 25 menit untuk mengerjakan soal pada sesi ini. Sesi terakhir yang Anda akan temui pada tes TOEFL ITP yaitu sesi reading comprehension. Pada sesi terakhir ini, Anda harus menjawab 50 soal reading dalam waktu 55 menit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The gray scale, a progressive series of shades ranging from black to white, is used in computer graphics ---- detail to graphical images. (A) added (B) to add (C) are added (D) and add 2. By ---- excluding competition from an industry, governments have often created public service monopolies. (A) they adopt laws (B) laws are adopted (C) adopting laws (D) having laws adopt 3. ---- skeleton of an insect is on the outside of its body. (A) Its (B) That the (C) There is a (D) The 4. Lenses, ---- are used to correct imperfections in eyesight. (A) are the forms of glasses and contact lenses (B) in the form of glasses and contact lenses (C) glasses and contact lenses which form (D) glasses and contact lenses may be formed 5. In the Arctic tundra. wise statements that (B) which funny. “Peanuts.coastal fogs or low status clouds are common in summer. In art. (A) it is possible (B) possible (C) possible to be (D) it possible the 12.flows for some 1. Isabel Bishop was one of many American artists the government during the Depression years on various federal art projects. printed engravings provided ---. (A) employed (B) whose employment (C) to employ (D) had been employed 13. wise statements (C) statements are funny but wise (D) funny but wise statements 10. (A) that it has (B) that to have (C) to have it (D) having it 9. One of the major rivers of the western United States.about life. the tendency of gouache colors to lighten on drying makes ---. (A) funny. one of the greatest appeals of radio is ---. (A) it is the Colorado River (B) the Colorado River which (C) and the Colorado River (D) the Colorado River 11. ---.” features children who make --. ice fog may form under clear skies in winter. Outbreaks of diseases in trees commonly occur ---. each receiving identical nuclear materials. For the advertiser. Charles Schulz’s comic strip.a wide range of pearly or pastel-like effects.stressed because of drought or other environmental audience all day long.500 miles from Colorado to northwestern Mexico. (A) because of (B) whereas (C) despite (D) that 7. (A) the most manifestation widespread (B) manifestation widespread the most (C) the widespread manifestation most (D) the most widespread manifestation 6.of rococo style. drawing itself out and dividing into two daughter amoebas. (A) the reproduction of the amoeba (B) the amoeba. which reproduces (C) reproducing the amoeba (D) the amoeba reproduces 8. (A) as forests that become (B) in forests become . In eighteenth-century North America. ---. On attaining maximum size. D 20. D 17. Free land. which common by-products of metabolic processes in the body. D 18. sense organs. D 21. Inflation. Most animals have nervous systems.under its weight. . and to digest food.(C) that become forests (D) when forests become 14. (A) it a (B) a (C) being a (D) it is a 16. ---. an icebreaker boat moves fast enough to ride up on the ice. and powerfully persuasive railroad advertising all helped flood A B the western part of the United States with farmers in the nineteenth century. Painters of the early twentieth century who were known primarily for they colorful landscapes. cheaply transportation. A B C the Group of Seven changed is name to the Canadian Group of Painters in 1933.compound of myelin. are A B C capable of causing tissue damage. interest rates. and are A B C capable of securing ingesting. To break thick ice. where ---. and overall economic active can be governed by the United States Federal A B C Reserve’s decision to adjust the supply of money to the economy. Coral formations have known as fringing reefs are located close to shore. and specialized modes of locomotion. The cork oak tree has a layer of cork several inches thickness that can be stripped every ten years. A B C D 19. Free radicals of oxygen. separated from land only A B C by shallow water. (A) so then breaks (B) when breaks it (C) which then breaks (D) for which then breaks 15. C D 23. C D 22. By 1830 the glass industry in the United States had become too well established that the country A B no longer needed to depend on imported glass. Cholesterol is present in large quantities in the nervous system. D 30. 33. Visibly only through large telescopes. the clipper ship was remarkably fast. and then expel the water through larger vents. Butterflies and moths undergo complete metamorphosis. of which he excelled. Weighing among two to five kilograms in adults. A sponge feeds itself by drawing water through tiny pores on its surface. some species being aquatic. Pythons differ than most other snakes by having two well-developed lungs rather than a A B C much smaller left lung or no left lung at all. the skin is the largest organ of the human body. For a seagoing. C D 28. A B C D 36. and Hawaii became the fiftieth state lately that year.D 24. Thousands of meteorite hit Earth each year. A B C D 31. A B C D 35. john Singer Sargent returned to the painting of landscapes and the use A B C of watercolors.The International Monetary Fund was created in a effort to stabilize exchange rates A B without interfering with the healthy growth of trade. D 26. C D 32. which indicates that there is A B C very little atmosphere. Rodents dwell in various habitat. D 29. so diamonds can be cut only by another diamonds. filtering out food A B particles. A B C D 27. Alaska became the forty-ninth state in 1959. Diamond is the hardest known substance. the pupa. cargo-carrying sailing vessels. A B C D 25. D 34. Pluto has a yellowish color. The nectar of flowers are ingested by worker bees and converted to honey in special sacs in their A B C . Toward the end of his life. some terrestrial. but most fall into the sea or in remote areas and are A B C never recovered. them changing from caterpillar to adult A B C via one intermediate stage. The musical tone of an electric guitar is created not by the resonance of the body of the guitar but A B C by electronically amplification. the ability dreamers to become aware of and to control their dreams while A B C dreaming. 37. D 40. D . Considered one of the most beautiful of the fine art. Lucid dreaming.D digestive systems. A B C D 39. is the focus of some current psychological research. ballet is a combination of dance and mime A B C performed to music. The sensation of sound is produced how vibrations transmitted through the air strike the eardrum. D 38. com/2013/08/soal-tes-toefl-dan-pembahasanjawaban.blogspot.Kunci Jawaban Soal Tes TOEFL Model Test 1 BCDBD BDADD BADCD CDBCA BAABA DBBAD CDABB AACDB .See more at: http://pusattoefl.html#sthash.dpuf .HcxiWzAo. tipe-tipe soal dalam sesi listening yang di bagi ke dalam 3 bagian.Contoh Soal Listening TOEFL Beserta Audio MP3 Pembahasan Jawaban Pada postingan sebelumnya telah kami posting Contoh Tes Listening TOEFL Beserta Audio MP3 Kunci Jawaban yang di mana sebagai post-test bagi Anda sebelum belajar listening comprehension. read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Tips Mengerjakan Soal TOEFL Listening dengan Mudah secara umum. on your answer sheet. ataupun di situs-situs TOEFL yang menyediakan materi listening TOEFL. . After each conversation. Listen to an example. Part A Directions: In Part A you will hear short conversations between two people. Do not turn the pages until you are told to do so. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION 1 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Time—approximately 35 minutes (including the reading of the directions for each part) In this section of the test. cara perhitungan skor TOEFL. Ada beberapa hal yang mesti Anda ketahui sebelum mengikuti sesi listening TOEFL test. you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand conversations and talks in English. Answer all the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers you hear. Then. Maka postingan ini terkait Contoh Soal Listening TOEFL Beserta Audio MP3 Pembahasan Jawaban diperuntukkan sebagai post-test setelah Anda mempelajari terkait skill yang harus Anda kuasai dalam menjawab listening TOEFL di menu belajar listening comprehension. dan tips-tips lainnya. Tipstips listening itu bisa berupa pengetahuan terkait jumlah soal. There are three parts to this section. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. Anda bisa mencari di buku-buku TOEFL. find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. After you hear a question. Tips Menjawab soal TOEFL Listening Part A dengan Mudah (khusus bagian A). you will hear a question about the conversation. Silahan download Audio MP3 untuk materi soal listening TOEFL ini. Do not take notes or write in your test book at any time. B) This visit was better than the last. the correct choice is (D). C) It is a requirement for each professor to teach at least one course. D) The professor required the class to prepare an outline. 'It wasn't that hard. B) The exam will be at noon. A) The professor described what the students should do. (C) It couldn't have been more difficult. D) The tests will be graded by noon.' Therefore.On the recording. you read: (A) The exam was really awful. 5. (D) It wasn't that hard. 'What does the woman mean?' is (D). (narrator) What does the woman mean? In your test book. . D) One month ago Martha got her visa. A) Martha applied for a visa last month. 1. A) She thinks the tuition should be raised. 4. D) She has more than enough for tuition. it could have been worse. (B) It was the worst exam she had ever seen. you hear: (man) That exam was just awful. C) He will collect the exams at 12:00. C) She doesn't have enough money for her school fees. The best answer to the question. D) Chuck didn't seem to be doing very well. A) Chuck had improved. B) Martha's visa will last for only a month. You learn from the conversation that the man thought the exam was very difficult and that the woman disagreed with the man. B) There was a long line to register for the required class. (woman) Oh. C) Chuck looked at him in the hospital. 6. C)Martha arrived last month without her visa. 3. B) The semesters tuition is quite affordable. 2. A) He'll correct the exams this afternoon. A) The headings for today's reading assignment. C) He parked the car before class at 10:00. C) She's shopping for a carpet. B) The history grades were all C or above. D) Whenever there's a holiday. . A) She's found a new ring. B) She needs to help him find something. A) He'd really like to have something to eat.A) He thinks he got a good grade. Jane's cousin goes to San Francisco. A) The parking lots were full before 10:00. 13. 11. he can't eat. C) Whenever there's a holiday. D) The possibility of finding a place to park increased. Jane leaves San Francisco. B) It was impossible to start class by 10:00. B) The chance to make the headlines. A) Traffic should not be allowed. A) In a department store B) In a bank C) In an accounting firm D) In a checkout line 10 A) Jane usually visits San Francisco for her vacations. 7. B) She thinks that the traffic should stay outside. C) She agrees that the traffic is noisy. B) Because he's weak. D) The daily newspaper. D) He hasn't felt like eating for weeks. C) It's been weeks since he's had anything to eat. D) There were no high scores. 12. 9. 8. D) She'll stay outside with the man. B) Jane's cousin often visits San Francisco. C) No one got history grades. D) She's thankful she has a rag. C) Her reading ability. C) The landlord will not fail to collect your rent on the first of next month. 16. 15 A) It's not possible to pass the class. B) She'll definitely fail. 18. A) She shouldn't leave her purse here. At the corner she ran into another car. 21 (A) Taking the car out for a test drive (B) Listening to the noises . D) The cake has never been very good. 17. D) The bus was five minutes late. D) It is important to call the landlord about rent on the first of the month. C) It's always possible. A) She gave Tom money to pay the rent. D) She shouldn't say anything about the class. Carl was running from place to place. D) She had some money to lend.14. She ran to Carl because she cared. A) The landlord failed to collect rent on the first of last month. C) Her purse must not be in the apartment. B) He never tasted the cake. A) The bus trip is only five minutes long. C) He wished he hadn't tasted the cake. 19. She unexpectedly met one of her relatives. D) She left without taking her purse 20. B) The man missed the bus by five minutes. A) The cake is extremely good. 25. B) The tenants absolutely must pay rent at the beginning of the month. B) She's probably in the apartment. C) Tom borrowed money for the rent. D) She was given money for the rent. C) The man should hurry to catch the bus. Drew became head of the new commission. 23. D) Mr. B) She wasn't furious. D) He didn't really want a new car 27 A) Mr. (B) He arrived just after the plane took off. Drew pointedly asked the president about the committee. (A) The plane took off just after he arrived. (A) Martha s jobs are easy. 24. D) She was extremely angry. Drew was committed to the president's appointments. D) He is retiring too soon. C) The car that he got was not his first choice. B) He didn't get a new car. (D) Martha should slow down. A) He got the car he really wanted. 28 A) She felt inferior. 26. A) He is eager to leave his job. 29 . (C) It's better for Martha to have two jobs. C) It is not necessary for them to park. B) He is unhappy at the thought of retiring. 25. Drew's head. A) He agrees with the woman's suggestion. C) He couldn't be unhappier about retiring. (B) It's easy to hold two jobs. B) Parking is not free on the weekend.(C) Fixing the car herself (D) Getting the car repaired 22. (C) He wasn't in time to catch the plane. C) Mr. D) He thinks they don't have to pay. (D) He arrived too late to catch the plane. B) The president pointed to Mr. C) She felt there should have been more fairness. you will hear longer conversations. He didn't buy either grapes or cherries because of the price. C) The overabundance of garbage on Earth. Part B Directions: In this part of the test. C) The man would not be ready to go. 35. B) It's better than the drama department's play.A) The man would do the dishes. He bought grapes because they were cheaper than cherries. 32. D) Dinner in the cafeteria. B) Go to a sporting event. C) Sunday afternoon. Remember. D) Maybe next weekend. A) Saturday night. 31. B) The plates did not need to be washed. B) After dinner in the cafeteria. . B) A trip by an astronaut to the Moon. B) A game. you will hear several questions. you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book. read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. After each conversation. find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. C) A study group meeting. A) It's the final game of the season. D) It's close to the cafeteria. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. on your answer sheet. After you hear a question. 34. D) The dishes would not be done. A) A play. A) Attend a football game alone. He didn't know that grapes were cheaper than cherries. C) Eat in the cafeteria and study. D) See a play. He knew that grapes were cheaper than cherries. 33. C) It's a very important game. Then. A) Trash orbiting Earth. 36. and when he was thirty-eight one of his paintings received a remarkable amount of public notice and acclaim. After each talk. On the recording. you will hear some questions. Wood began drawing animals on the family farm at the age of three.D) Becoming space scientists. (D) The junk will fall to Earth. (man) Artist Grant Wood was a guiding force in the school'of painting known as American regionalist.000 tons C) 3. 37. you hear: (narrator) Listen to an instructor talk to his class about painting. A) 17. This painting. (A) (narrator) What style of painting is known as American regionalist? . find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. A) From a lecture. you will hear several talks. The talks and questions will not be repeated. In your test book. (C) Scientists will find solutions to the problem. read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Part C Directions: In this part of the test. C) In a book. Here is an example. on your answer sheet.000 pounds D) 300 tons 38. After you hear a question. called 'American Gothic. a style reflecting the distinctive characteristics of art from rural areas of the United States.000 pounds B) 3. Then. (A) She will be able to travel in space. D) On a television program. Now listen to a sample question. (B) The problem will take care of itself. you read: (A) Art from America s inner cities (B) Art from the central region of the United States (C) Art from various urban areas in the United States (D) Art from rural sections of America The best answer to the question 'What style of painting is known as American regionalist?' is . B) In a magazine article.' is a starkly simple depiction of a serious couple staring directly out at the viewer. you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book. A) Two B) Three 49. you read: (A) 'American Regionalist' (B) 'The Family Farm in Iowa' (C) 'American Gothic' (D) 'A Serious Couple' The best answer to the question. A) Later today 47.' Therefore. C) Books listed in student journals D) Both books and journals 42. A) Journal and magazine articles B) Books from outside the library 48. the correct choice is (C). 'Art from rural sections of America. 'American Gothic. 39. the correct choice is (D). (A) (narrator) What is the name of Wood's most successful painting? In your test book.' Therefore. C) Five D) Seven 43. Remember. B) In the middle of the semester C) At the end of class D) In the final week of the semester 40. A) On the first day of class 46.(D). A) In winter B) In spring C) In summer D) In fall 50. Now listen to another sample question. B) By Friday of this week C) In two weeks D) In three weeks 41. . 'What is the name of Wood's most successful painting?' is (C). (B) It's a poem about Abraham Lincoln. C) Very humid. (A) Preparing for a trip (B) Writing a report about the weather (C) Beginning a study of the weather (D) Buying warm clothes for a trip 47. A) They come from the Southwest. D) They increase the humidity. A) Seasonable. (A) 'Leaves of Grass' (B) 'Song of Myself' (C) 'When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed' (D) 'American Democracy' This is the end of Section 1 Stop work on Section 1.44. 50. (A) The death of Abraham Lincoln (B) The beauty of American democracy (C) The raising of plants (D) The maturity of poetry 49. C) They are the hardest during the night. (A) It's a poem about the author. 46. D) Extremely hot year-round. B) Fairly constant and moderate. (A) Modern American Authors (B) United States History (C) American Democracy (D) Nineteenth-Century American Literature 48. 45. (D) It's a volume of poetry that grew with its author. with warm summers and cold winters. Turn off the recording. (C) It's a collection of twelve poems that remained unchanged. . B) They come most days of the year. D 16. D 46. D 10. C 48. B 5. D 32. D 44. D 34. C 42. D 38. D 11. D 3. A 45.html#sthash. B 4. C 37. A 17. D 14.RKFdWAoj.See more at: http://pusattoefl. B 49. B 26. D 12. D 8.blogspot. C 24. A 21. C 22. B 30. C 25. A 13. C 36. A 27. B 6. B 40. A 33.dpuf . A 7. D 31. C 18. A Jawaban 1. B 47. C 28. B 29. C 50. D 23. A 35. D 2. B 9. D 39. B . C 15. B 41. A 20. B 19. (a) sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery. Alfred adams has not __________.Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure Test 3) Tes TOEFL ITP terbagi atas 3 sesi: listening comprehension. (b) sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully. Soal sesi ke dua ini terbagi atas dua jenis yaitu structure yang dimulai dari nomor 1 sampai 15 dan soal written expression yang dimulai dari nomor 16 sampai 40. Untuk melihat structure test bagian 1 dan 2 silahkan kunjungi link Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Kunci Jawaban (Structure Test 1) dan Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure Test 2). Because the first pair of pants did not fit properly. he asked for __________. 2. Sesi structure and written epxression terdiri dari 40 soal dengan lama pengerjaan soal 25 menit. 3. (a) they have reached a decision. kami telah menyediakan Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure Test 3) di bawah ini yang bersumber dari buku Cliff -TOEFL Preparation Guide for the TOEFL Test. the residents of the apartment building __________. (a) another pants (c) the others one (b) other pants (d) another pair. untuk membantu Anda lebih mengenal bentuk soal yang dipertanyakan. Terkhusus untuk bagian structure. (d) sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers. Soal TOEFL (Structure Test 3) 1. 4. (c) sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week. The committee has met and __________. (c) ever lived alone before. (d) it has reached a decision. (b) it has formulated themselves some opinions. structure and written expression. dan reading comprehension. (a) lived lonelynessly in times previous. (d) before lived without the company of his friends. After the funeral. (c) its decision was reached at. (b) never before lived sole. . 12.5. (a)they have less money and volunteers than they had last year. The professor said that __________. (d) neither have several other states 9. Henry will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because __________. (d) the student will on monday the reports turn in. (b) the report on monday could be received form the students by him. and __________. The chairman request that __________. . (b) he will be teaching a class. (c) the students could hand in their reports on monday. (b) he should have studied last night. (a) he must to teach a class. (d) he will have teaching a class. (a) florida also. (d) the members study the problem more carefully. (b) the problem was more carefulnessly studied. (a) the student can turn over their report on the monday. (d) he must had to study last night. __________. (d) so does florida 11. __________. (b) the committee members discussed the problem. (c) some other states also have not either. 6. (a) the member studied more carefully the problem. This year will be difficult for this organization because __________. (b) neither has some of the others states. (c) florida is as well (b) florida too. California relies heavily on income from fruit crops. Having been served lunch. Florida has not yet ratified the equal rights amendment. (d) a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee. (a) he should study last night. (c) with more carefulness the problem could be studied. (b) it has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last year. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class. 10. (c) he must have studied last night. and __________. 8. (c) it was discussed by the committee members the problem. 7. (a) several other states hasn’t either. (a) the problem was discussed by the members of the committee. (c) of he will teach a class. __________. C 5. B 13. 13. __________? (a) does there (b) hasn’t there (c) hasn’t it (d) has there Kunci Jawaban Soal TOEFL (Structure 3) 1. (b) when are they going to return to the students the final papers. C 14. however. D 10. (c) she did not have much sugar. D 9. D .See more at: http://pusattoefl. She wanted to serve some coffee to her guests. D 4. (c) when they should return to the final papers to the students. B 7. C 6. C 2.P2PmhxwK. (d) the time when the final papers they should return for the students. (a)when to the students they shall return the final papers. 14. (d) there are fewer money and volunteers that in the last year there were. D 3. C 15.html#sthash. (a) she hadn’t many sugar.(c) the last year it did not have as few and little volunteers and money. D (b) there was not great amount of the sugar. B 8. (d) she was lacking in amount of the sugar. 15. There has not been a great response to the sale. C 12. The teacher have had some problem deciding __________.dpuf .

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Cara Menjawab Soal TOEFL Listening Comprehension. Pahami bentuk-bentuk perintah (direction) pada masing-masing bagian (part) dengan baik sebelum hari H ujian. Bacalah pilihan pada masing-masing soal sebanyak mungkin ketika narator sedang membacakan direction dan contoh soal (example). 'contoh soal toefl itp dan pembahasan pdf' yang bisa anda unduh secara gratis dengan menekan tombol download yang ada pada tautan dibawah ini. 'contoh soal toefl itp dan pembahasan pdf' Kumpulan Dokumen File Guru Modul Guru Pembelajar SLB,TK,SD,SMP,SMA,SMK Lengkap 2016.

Masih membahas tentang, latihan selanjutnya dalam reading comprehension adalah tentang Harimau Bengal yang terancam punah. Di bawah bacaan ada pertanyaan yang terkait lengkap dengan jawaban dan pembahasannya secara komplit. Tunggu apa lagi? Yuk mari kita mulai latihannya. READING COMPREHENSION 2: BENGAL TIGER Since the world has become industrialized, there has been an increase in the number of animal species that have either become extinct or have neared extinction. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300, and by the year 2025 their population is estimated to be down to zero.

England rachel bladon pdf creator online. England Rachel Bladon A Before Reading 1 Look at the map. Write the names of the towns and cities in the box in the correct places on the map. Bath Birmingham Bristol Cambridge Canterbury Liverpool Manchester Newcastle-upon-Tyne Oxford Plymouth Look at page 4 to check your answers. Pre-Intermediate Level Worksheet. England, Chapter 1 Audio Worksheet 1 Rachel Bladon Listen to the first part of Chapter 1. Decide if the sentences are about the oldest times, Roman times or both the oldest and Roman times. 1 Christianity came to England. 2 Everybody kept animals for meat and eggs. 3 Life was simple but dangerous. 4 People bought and sold things. RACHEL BLADON England MACMILLAN. Photo of a section of Hadrian’s Wall. A view which emphasises the size of it. 1 A Short History 7 Hadrian’s Wall, built by the Romans Back in England’s oldest times, people lived in big groups called tribes. Macmillan England - Chapter 2 Audio Worksheet 1 England - Chapter 2 Audio Worksheet 1 Rachel Bladon Resource 1 and Resource 2 are the same recording in two different sound formats; depending on your computer, you must be able to hear at least one of them. Listen to the first part of Chapter 2. You will hear the words below in Resource 3.

What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not interested in material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is part of what is causing the problem of extinction. Animals like the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are a valuable part of the world’s ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to ensure their survival, and the survival of our planet. Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries, in order to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They then charge admission to help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must also depend on world organizations for support.

With the money they get, they can invest in equipment and patrols to protect the animals. Another solution that is an attempt to stem the tide of animal extinction is an international boycott of products made from endangered species. This seems fairly effective, but it will not, by itself, prevent animals from being hunted and killed.

Contoh Soal Toefl Pdf

What is the main topic of the passage? Pilihan jawaban: a.

The Bengal tiger b. International boycotts c.

Contoh Soal Grammar Dan Pembahasannya

Endangered species d. Midtown madness 3 torrent iso pc screenshot. Javascript the good parts 2nd edition pdf. Problems with industrialization Ide utama dari bacaan di atas adalah tentang hewan-hewan yang terancam punah karena ulah manusia, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah (C). Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “alarming” in paragraph 1? Pilihan jawaban: a.

Contoh soal toefl itp dan pembahasan pdf

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Distressing Kata yang paling tepat menyerupai “ alarming” adalah “ distressing” karena berupa kondisi yang sudah genting, dengan demikian jawaban yang tepat adalah (D). Which of the following could best replace the word “case” as used in the first paragraph? Pilihan jawaban: a.

Contoh Soal Toefl Itp

Trade “ case” pada kalimat di atas mengacu pada kasus punahnya Harimau Bengal, yang bisa digantikan dengan kata “ situation” atau pilihan jawaban (B). The word “poachers” as used in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by which of the following? Pilihan jawaban: a. Illegal hunters b. Enterprising researchers c. Concerned scientists d. Trained hunters Kata “ poachers” dalam kalimat di atas mengacu pada orang yang mencari kepuasan pribadi atau “ illegal hunters” dalam pilihan jawaban (A).

Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure and Written Expression-Model Test 2) Jenis soal test TOEFL di bawah ini merupakan soal tes TOEFL ITP yang umum diselenggarakan di Indonesia. Tes TOEFL teridiri dari tiga sesi: listening comprehension, structure and written expression, dan reading comprehension. Untuk sesi listening comprhension, Anda akan menemui 50 nomor soal. Ke 50 soal itu dibagi dalam 3 part, yang dikenal sebagai part A yang terdiri dari 30 conversation pendek antar 2 orang. Setiap conversation diikuti 1 pertanyaan. Jadi ada 30 pertanyaan dalam listening part A. Listening part B terdiri dari 2 conversation panjang. Setiap conversation diikuti 4 pertanyaan. Jadi, ada 8 soal di sesi ke dua ini. Untuk sesi terakhir, listening part C terdiri dari 3 talk (semacam perkuliahan dengan speaker monolog). Lihat di sini untuk Contoh Tes Listening TOEFL Beserta Audio MP3 Kunci Jawaban. Sesi structure and written expression terdiri dari 40 soal. 40 soal itu terbagi dalam dua bagian. Nomor 1-15 merupakan sesi structure dan 16-40 masuk kategori sesi written expression. Anda mempunyai waktu 25 menit untuk mengerjakan soal pada sesi ini. Sesi terakhir yang Anda akan temui pada tes TOEFL ITP yaitu sesi reading comprehension. Pada sesi terakhir ini, Anda harus menjawab 50 soal reading dalam waktu 55 menit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The gray scale, a progressive series of shades ranging from black to white, is used in computer graphics ---- detail to graphical images. (A) added (B) to add (C) are added (D) and add 2. By ---- excluding competition from an industry, governments have often created public service monopolies. (A) they adopt laws (B) laws are adopted (C) adopting laws (D) having laws adopt 3. ---- skeleton of an insect is on the outside of its body. (A) Its (B) That the (C) There is a (D) The 4. Lenses, ---- are used to correct imperfections in eyesight. (A) are the forms of glasses and contact lenses (B) in the form of glasses and contact lenses (C) glasses and contact lenses which form (D) glasses and contact lenses may be formed 5. In the Arctic tundra. wise statements that (B) which funny. “Peanuts.coastal fogs or low status clouds are common in summer. In art. (A) it is possible (B) possible (C) possible to be (D) it possible the 12.flows for some 1. Isabel Bishop was one of many American artists the government during the Depression years on various federal art projects. printed engravings provided ---. (A) employed (B) whose employment (C) to employ (D) had been employed 13. wise statements (C) statements are funny but wise (D) funny but wise statements 10. (A) that it has (B) that to have (C) to have it (D) having it 9. One of the major rivers of the western United States.about life. the tendency of gouache colors to lighten on drying makes ---. (A) funny. one of the greatest appeals of radio is ---. (A) it is the Colorado River (B) the Colorado River which (C) and the Colorado River (D) the Colorado River 11. ---.” features children who make --. ice fog may form under clear skies in winter. Outbreaks of diseases in trees commonly occur ---. each receiving identical nuclear materials. For the advertiser. Charles Schulz’s comic strip.a wide range of pearly or pastel-like effects.stressed because of drought or other environmental audience all day long.500 miles from Colorado to northwestern Mexico. (A) because of (B) whereas (C) despite (D) that 7. (A) the most manifestation widespread (B) manifestation widespread the most (C) the widespread manifestation most (D) the most widespread manifestation 6.of rococo style. drawing itself out and dividing into two daughter amoebas. (A) the reproduction of the amoeba (B) the amoeba. which reproduces (C) reproducing the amoeba (D) the amoeba reproduces 8. (A) as forests that become (B) in forests become . In eighteenth-century North America. ---. On attaining maximum size. D 20. D 17. Free land. which common by-products of metabolic processes in the body. D 18. sense organs. D 21. Inflation. Most animals have nervous systems.under its weight. . and to digest food.(C) that become forests (D) when forests become 14. (A) it a (B) a (C) being a (D) it is a 16. ---. an icebreaker boat moves fast enough to ride up on the ice. and powerfully persuasive railroad advertising all helped flood A B the western part of the United States with farmers in the nineteenth century. Painters of the early twentieth century who were known primarily for they colorful landscapes. cheaply transportation. A B C the Group of Seven changed is name to the Canadian Group of Painters in 1933.compound of myelin. are A B C capable of causing tissue damage. interest rates. and are A B C capable of securing ingesting. To break thick ice. where ---. and overall economic active can be governed by the United States Federal A B C Reserve’s decision to adjust the supply of money to the economy. Coral formations have known as fringing reefs are located close to shore. and specialized modes of locomotion. The cork oak tree has a layer of cork several inches thickness that can be stripped every ten years. A B C D 19. Free radicals of oxygen. separated from land only A B C by shallow water. (A) so then breaks (B) when breaks it (C) which then breaks (D) for which then breaks 15. C D 23. C D 22. By 1830 the glass industry in the United States had become too well established that the country A B no longer needed to depend on imported glass. Cholesterol is present in large quantities in the nervous system. D 30. 33. Visibly only through large telescopes. the clipper ship was remarkably fast. and then expel the water through larger vents. Butterflies and moths undergo complete metamorphosis. of which he excelled. Weighing among two to five kilograms in adults. A sponge feeds itself by drawing water through tiny pores on its surface. some species being aquatic. Pythons differ than most other snakes by having two well-developed lungs rather than a A B C much smaller left lung or no left lung at all. the skin is the largest organ of the human body. For a seagoing. C D 28. A B C D 36. and Hawaii became the fiftieth state lately that year.D 24. Thousands of meteorite hit Earth each year. A B C D 31. A B C D 35. john Singer Sargent returned to the painting of landscapes and the use A B C of watercolors.The International Monetary Fund was created in a effort to stabilize exchange rates A B without interfering with the healthy growth of trade. D 26. C D 32. which indicates that there is A B C very little atmosphere. Rodents dwell in various habitat. D 29. so diamonds can be cut only by another diamonds. filtering out food A B particles. A B C D 27. Alaska became the forty-ninth state in 1959. Diamond is the hardest known substance. the pupa. cargo-carrying sailing vessels. A B C D 25. D 34. Pluto has a yellowish color. The nectar of flowers are ingested by worker bees and converted to honey in special sacs in their A B C . Toward the end of his life. some terrestrial. but most fall into the sea or in remote areas and are A B C never recovered. them changing from caterpillar to adult A B C via one intermediate stage. The musical tone of an electric guitar is created not by the resonance of the body of the guitar but A B C by electronically amplification. the ability dreamers to become aware of and to control their dreams while A B C dreaming. 37. D 40. D . Considered one of the most beautiful of the fine art. Lucid dreaming.D digestive systems. A B C D 39. is the focus of some current psychological research. ballet is a combination of dance and mime A B C performed to music. The sensation of sound is produced how vibrations transmitted through the air strike the eardrum. D 38. com/2013/08/soal-tes-toefl-dan-pembahasanjawaban.blogspot.Kunci Jawaban Soal Tes TOEFL Model Test 1 BCDBD BDADD BADCD CDBCA BAABA DBBAD CDABB AACDB .See more at: http://pusattoefl.html#sthash.dpuf .HcxiWzAo. tipe-tipe soal dalam sesi listening yang di bagi ke dalam 3 bagian.Contoh Soal Listening TOEFL Beserta Audio MP3 Pembahasan Jawaban Pada postingan sebelumnya telah kami posting Contoh Tes Listening TOEFL Beserta Audio MP3 Kunci Jawaban yang di mana sebagai post-test bagi Anda sebelum belajar listening comprehension. read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Tips Mengerjakan Soal TOEFL Listening dengan Mudah secara umum. on your answer sheet. ataupun di situs-situs TOEFL yang menyediakan materi listening TOEFL. . After each conversation. Listen to an example. Part A Directions: In Part A you will hear short conversations between two people. Do not turn the pages until you are told to do so. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION 1 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Time—approximately 35 minutes (including the reading of the directions for each part) In this section of the test. cara perhitungan skor TOEFL. Ada beberapa hal yang mesti Anda ketahui sebelum mengikuti sesi listening TOEFL test. you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand conversations and talks in English. Answer all the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers you hear. Then. Maka postingan ini terkait Contoh Soal Listening TOEFL Beserta Audio MP3 Pembahasan Jawaban diperuntukkan sebagai post-test setelah Anda mempelajari terkait skill yang harus Anda kuasai dalam menjawab listening TOEFL di menu belajar listening comprehension. dan tips-tips lainnya. Tipstips listening itu bisa berupa pengetahuan terkait jumlah soal. There are three parts to this section. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. Anda bisa mencari di buku-buku TOEFL. find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. After you hear a question. Tips Menjawab soal TOEFL Listening Part A dengan Mudah (khusus bagian A). you will hear a question about the conversation. Silahan download Audio MP3 untuk materi soal listening TOEFL ini. Do not take notes or write in your test book at any time. B) This visit was better than the last. the correct choice is (D). C) It is a requirement for each professor to teach at least one course. D) The professor required the class to prepare an outline. 'It wasn't that hard. B) The exam will be at noon. A) The professor described what the students should do. (C) It couldn't have been more difficult. D) The tests will be graded by noon.' Therefore.On the recording. you read: (A) The exam was really awful. 5. (D) It wasn't that hard. 'What does the woman mean?' is (D). (narrator) What does the woman mean? In your test book. . D) One month ago Martha got her visa. A) Martha applied for a visa last month. 1. A) She thinks the tuition should be raised. 4. D) She has more than enough for tuition. it could have been worse. (B) It was the worst exam she had ever seen. you hear: (man) That exam was just awful. C) He will collect the exams at 12:00. C) She doesn't have enough money for her school fees. The best answer to the question. D) Chuck didn't seem to be doing very well. A) Chuck had improved. B) Martha's visa will last for only a month. You learn from the conversation that the man thought the exam was very difficult and that the woman disagreed with the man. B) There was a long line to register for the required class. (woman) Oh. C) Chuck looked at him in the hospital. 6. C)Martha arrived last month without her visa. 3. B) The semesters tuition is quite affordable. 2. A) He'll correct the exams this afternoon. A) The headings for today's reading assignment. C) He parked the car before class at 10:00. C) She's shopping for a carpet. B) The history grades were all C or above. D) Whenever there's a holiday. . A) She's found a new ring. B) She needs to help him find something. A) He'd really like to have something to eat.A) He thinks he got a good grade. Jane's cousin goes to San Francisco. A) The parking lots were full before 10:00. 13. 11. he can't eat. C) Whenever there's a holiday. D) The possibility of finding a place to park increased. Jane leaves San Francisco. B) It was impossible to start class by 10:00. B) The chance to make the headlines. A) Traffic should not be allowed. A) In a department store B) In a bank C) In an accounting firm D) In a checkout line 10 A) Jane usually visits San Francisco for her vacations. 7. B) She thinks that the traffic should stay outside. C) She agrees that the traffic is noisy. B) Because he's weak. D) The daily newspaper. D) He hasn't felt like eating for weeks. C) It's been weeks since he's had anything to eat. D) There were no high scores. 12. 9. 8. D) She'll stay outside with the man. B) Jane's cousin often visits San Francisco. C) No one got history grades. D) She's thankful she has a rag. C) Her reading ability. C) The landlord will not fail to collect your rent on the first of next month. 16. 15 A) It's not possible to pass the class. B) She'll definitely fail. 18. A) She shouldn't leave her purse here. At the corner she ran into another car. 21 (A) Taking the car out for a test drive (B) Listening to the noises . D) The cake has never been very good. 17. D) The bus was five minutes late. D) It is important to call the landlord about rent on the first of the month. C) It's always possible. A) She gave Tom money to pay the rent. D) She shouldn't say anything about the class. Carl was running from place to place. D) She had some money to lend.14. She ran to Carl because she cared. A) The landlord failed to collect rent on the first of last month. C) Her purse must not be in the apartment. B) He never tasted the cake. A) The bus trip is only five minutes long. C) He wished he hadn't tasted the cake. 19. She unexpectedly met one of her relatives. D) She left without taking her purse 20. B) The man missed the bus by five minutes. A) The cake is extremely good. 25. B) The tenants absolutely must pay rent at the beginning of the month. B) She's probably in the apartment. C) Tom borrowed money for the rent. D) She was given money for the rent. C) The man should hurry to catch the bus. Drew became head of the new commission. 23. D) Mr. B) She wasn't furious. D) He didn't really want a new car 27 A) Mr. (B) He arrived just after the plane took off. Drew pointedly asked the president about the committee. (A) The plane took off just after he arrived. (A) Martha s jobs are easy. 24. D) She was extremely angry. Drew was committed to the president's appointments. D) He is retiring too soon. C) The car that he got was not his first choice. B) He didn't get a new car. (D) Martha should slow down. A) He got the car he really wanted. 28 A) She felt inferior. 26. A) He is eager to leave his job. 29 . (C) It's better for Martha to have two jobs. C) It is not necessary for them to park. B) He is unhappy at the thought of retiring. 25. Drew's head. A) He agrees with the woman's suggestion. C) He couldn't be unhappier about retiring. (B) It's easy to hold two jobs. B) Parking is not free on the weekend.(C) Fixing the car herself (D) Getting the car repaired 22. (C) He wasn't in time to catch the plane. C) Mr. D) He thinks they don't have to pay. (D) He arrived too late to catch the plane. B) The president pointed to Mr. C) She felt there should have been more fairness. you will hear longer conversations. He didn't buy either grapes or cherries because of the price. C) The overabundance of garbage on Earth. Part B Directions: In this part of the test. C) The man would not be ready to go. 35. B) It's better than the drama department's play.A) The man would do the dishes. He bought grapes because they were cheaper than cherries. 32. D) Dinner in the cafeteria. B) Go to a sporting event. C) Sunday afternoon. Remember. D) Maybe next weekend. A) Saturday night. 31. B) The plates did not need to be washed. B) After dinner in the cafeteria. . B) A trip by an astronaut to the Moon. B) A game. you will hear several questions. you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book. read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. After each conversation. find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. C) A study group meeting. A) It's the final game of the season. D) It's close to the cafeteria. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. on your answer sheet. After you hear a question. 34. D) The dishes would not be done. A) A play. A) Attend a football game alone. He didn't know that grapes were cheaper than cherries. C) Eat in the cafeteria and study. D) See a play. He knew that grapes were cheaper than cherries. 33. C) It's a very important game. Then. A) Trash orbiting Earth. 36. and when he was thirty-eight one of his paintings received a remarkable amount of public notice and acclaim. After each talk. On the recording. you will hear some questions. Wood began drawing animals on the family farm at the age of three.D) Becoming space scientists. (D) The junk will fall to Earth. (man) Artist Grant Wood was a guiding force in the school'of painting known as American regionalist.000 tons C) 3. 37. you hear: (narrator) Listen to an instructor talk to his class about painting. A) 17. This painting. (A) (narrator) What style of painting is known as American regionalist? . find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. A) From a lecture. you will hear several talks. The talks and questions will not be repeated. In your test book. (C) Scientists will find solutions to the problem. read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Part C Directions: In this part of the test. C) In a book. Here is an example. on your answer sheet.000 pounds D) 300 tons 38. After you hear a question. called 'American Gothic. a style reflecting the distinctive characteristics of art from rural areas of the United States.000 pounds B) 3. Then. (A) She will be able to travel in space. D) On a television program. Now listen to a sample question. (B) The problem will take care of itself. you read: (A) Art from America s inner cities (B) Art from the central region of the United States (C) Art from various urban areas in the United States (D) Art from rural sections of America The best answer to the question 'What style of painting is known as American regionalist?' is . B) In a magazine article.' is a starkly simple depiction of a serious couple staring directly out at the viewer. you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book. A) Two B) Three 49. you read: (A) 'American Regionalist' (B) 'The Family Farm in Iowa' (C) 'American Gothic' (D) 'A Serious Couple' The best answer to the question. A) Later today 47.' Therefore. C) Books listed in student journals D) Both books and journals 42. A) Journal and magazine articles B) Books from outside the library 48. the correct choice is (C). 'Art from rural sections of America. 'American Gothic. 39. the correct choice is (D). (A) (narrator) What is the name of Wood's most successful painting? In your test book.' Therefore. C) Five D) Seven 43. Remember. B) In the middle of the semester C) At the end of class D) In the final week of the semester 40. A) On the first day of class 46.(D). A) In winter B) In spring C) In summer D) In fall 50. Now listen to another sample question. B) By Friday of this week C) In two weeks D) In three weeks 41. . 'What is the name of Wood's most successful painting?' is (C). (B) It's a poem about Abraham Lincoln. C) Very humid. (A) Preparing for a trip (B) Writing a report about the weather (C) Beginning a study of the weather (D) Buying warm clothes for a trip 47. A) They come from the Southwest. D) They increase the humidity. A) Seasonable. (A) 'Leaves of Grass' (B) 'Song of Myself' (C) 'When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed' (D) 'American Democracy' This is the end of Section 1 Stop work on Section 1.44. 50. (A) The death of Abraham Lincoln (B) The beauty of American democracy (C) The raising of plants (D) The maturity of poetry 49. C) They are the hardest during the night. (A) It's a poem about the author. 46. D) Extremely hot year-round. B) Fairly constant and moderate. (A) Modern American Authors (B) United States History (C) American Democracy (D) Nineteenth-Century American Literature 48. 45. (D) It's a volume of poetry that grew with its author. with warm summers and cold winters. Turn off the recording. (C) It's a collection of twelve poems that remained unchanged. . B) They come most days of the year. D 16. D 46. D 10. C 48. B 5. D 32. D 44. D 34. C 42. D 38. D 11. D 3. A 45.html#sthash. B 4. C 37. A 17. D 14.RKFdWAoj.See more at: http://pusattoefl. B 49. B 26. D 12. D 8.blogspot. C 24. A 21. C 22. B 30. C 25. A 13. C 36. A 27. B 6. B 40. A 33.dpuf . A 7. D 31. C 18. A Jawaban 1. B 47. C 28. B 29. C 50. D 23. A 35. D 2. B 9. D 39. B . C 15. B 41. A 20. B 19. (a) sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery. Alfred adams has not __________.Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure Test 3) Tes TOEFL ITP terbagi atas 3 sesi: listening comprehension. (b) sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully. Soal sesi ke dua ini terbagi atas dua jenis yaitu structure yang dimulai dari nomor 1 sampai 15 dan soal written expression yang dimulai dari nomor 16 sampai 40. Untuk melihat structure test bagian 1 dan 2 silahkan kunjungi link Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Kunci Jawaban (Structure Test 1) dan Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure Test 2). Because the first pair of pants did not fit properly. he asked for __________. 2. Sesi structure and written epxression terdiri dari 40 soal dengan lama pengerjaan soal 25 menit. 3. (a) they have reached a decision. kami telah menyediakan Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure Test 3) di bawah ini yang bersumber dari buku Cliff -TOEFL Preparation Guide for the TOEFL Test. the residents of the apartment building __________. (a) another pants (c) the others one (b) other pants (d) another pair. untuk membantu Anda lebih mengenal bentuk soal yang dipertanyakan. Terkhusus untuk bagian structure. (d) sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers. Soal TOEFL (Structure Test 3) 1. 4. (c) sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week. The committee has met and __________. (c) ever lived alone before. (d) it has reached a decision. (b) it has formulated themselves some opinions. structure and written expression. dan reading comprehension. (a) lived lonelynessly in times previous. (d) before lived without the company of his friends. After the funeral. (c) its decision was reached at. (b) never before lived sole. . 12.5. (a)they have less money and volunteers than they had last year. The professor said that __________. (d) neither have several other states 9. Henry will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because __________. (d) the student will on monday the reports turn in. (b) the report on monday could be received form the students by him. and __________. The chairman request that __________. . (b) he will be teaching a class. (c) the students could hand in their reports on monday. (b) he should have studied last night. (a) he must to teach a class. (d) he will have teaching a class. (a) florida also. (d) the members study the problem more carefully. (b) the problem was more carefulnessly studied. (a) the student can turn over their report on the monday. (d) he must had to study last night. __________. (d) so does florida 11. __________. (b) the committee members discussed the problem. (c) some other states also have not either. 6. (a) the member studied more carefully the problem. This year will be difficult for this organization because __________. (b) neither has some of the others states. (c) florida is as well (b) florida too. California relies heavily on income from fruit crops. Having been served lunch. Florida has not yet ratified the equal rights amendment. (d) a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee. (a) he should study last night. (c) with more carefulness the problem could be studied. (b) it has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last year. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class. 10. (c) he must have studied last night. and __________. 8. (c) it was discussed by the committee members the problem. 7. (a) several other states hasn’t either. (a) the problem was discussed by the members of the committee. (c) of he will teach a class. __________. C 5. B 13. 13. __________? (a) does there (b) hasn’t there (c) hasn’t it (d) has there Kunci Jawaban Soal TOEFL (Structure 3) 1. (b) when are they going to return to the students the final papers. C 14. however. D 10. (c) she did not have much sugar. D 9. D .See more at: http://pusattoefl. She wanted to serve some coffee to her guests. D 4. (c) when they should return to the final papers to the students. B 7. C 6. C 2.P2PmhxwK. (d) the time when the final papers they should return for the students. (a)when to the students they shall return the final papers. 14. (d) there are fewer money and volunteers that in the last year there were. D 3. C 15.html#sthash. (a) she hadn’t many sugar.(c) the last year it did not have as few and little volunteers and money. D (b) there was not great amount of the sugar. B 8. (d) she was lacking in amount of the sugar. 15. There has not been a great response to the sale. C 12. The teacher have had some problem deciding __________.dpuf .

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Cara Menjawab Soal TOEFL Listening Comprehension. Pahami bentuk-bentuk perintah (direction) pada masing-masing bagian (part) dengan baik sebelum hari H ujian. Bacalah pilihan pada masing-masing soal sebanyak mungkin ketika narator sedang membacakan direction dan contoh soal (example). 'contoh soal toefl itp dan pembahasan pdf' yang bisa anda unduh secara gratis dengan menekan tombol download yang ada pada tautan dibawah ini. 'contoh soal toefl itp dan pembahasan pdf' Kumpulan Dokumen File Guru Modul Guru Pembelajar SLB,TK,SD,SMP,SMA,SMK Lengkap 2016.

Masih membahas tentang, latihan selanjutnya dalam reading comprehension adalah tentang Harimau Bengal yang terancam punah. Di bawah bacaan ada pertanyaan yang terkait lengkap dengan jawaban dan pembahasannya secara komplit. Tunggu apa lagi? Yuk mari kita mulai latihannya. READING COMPREHENSION 2: BENGAL TIGER Since the world has become industrialized, there has been an increase in the number of animal species that have either become extinct or have neared extinction. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300, and by the year 2025 their population is estimated to be down to zero.

England rachel bladon pdf creator online. England Rachel Bladon A Before Reading 1 Look at the map. Write the names of the towns and cities in the box in the correct places on the map. Bath Birmingham Bristol Cambridge Canterbury Liverpool Manchester Newcastle-upon-Tyne Oxford Plymouth Look at page 4 to check your answers. Pre-Intermediate Level Worksheet. England, Chapter 1 Audio Worksheet 1 Rachel Bladon Listen to the first part of Chapter 1. Decide if the sentences are about the oldest times, Roman times or both the oldest and Roman times. 1 Christianity came to England. 2 Everybody kept animals for meat and eggs. 3 Life was simple but dangerous. 4 People bought and sold things. RACHEL BLADON England MACMILLAN. Photo of a section of Hadrian’s Wall. A view which emphasises the size of it. 1 A Short History 7 Hadrian’s Wall, built by the Romans Back in England’s oldest times, people lived in big groups called tribes. Macmillan England - Chapter 2 Audio Worksheet 1 England - Chapter 2 Audio Worksheet 1 Rachel Bladon Resource 1 and Resource 2 are the same recording in two different sound formats; depending on your computer, you must be able to hear at least one of them. Listen to the first part of Chapter 2. You will hear the words below in Resource 3.

What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not interested in material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is part of what is causing the problem of extinction. Animals like the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are a valuable part of the world’s ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to ensure their survival, and the survival of our planet. Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries, in order to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They then charge admission to help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must also depend on world organizations for support.


With the money they get, they can invest in equipment and patrols to protect the animals. Another solution that is an attempt to stem the tide of animal extinction is an international boycott of products made from endangered species. This seems fairly effective, but it will not, by itself, prevent animals from being hunted and killed.

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What is the main topic of the passage? Pilihan jawaban: a.

The Bengal tiger b. International boycotts c.

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Distressing Kata yang paling tepat menyerupai “ alarming” adalah “ distressing” karena berupa kondisi yang sudah genting, dengan demikian jawaban yang tepat adalah (D). Which of the following could best replace the word “case” as used in the first paragraph? Pilihan jawaban: a.

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Trade “ case” pada kalimat di atas mengacu pada kasus punahnya Harimau Bengal, yang bisa digantikan dengan kata “ situation” atau pilihan jawaban (B). The word “poachers” as used in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by which of the following? Pilihan jawaban: a. Illegal hunters b. Enterprising researchers c. Concerned scientists d. Trained hunters Kata “ poachers” dalam kalimat di atas mengacu pada orang yang mencari kepuasan pribadi atau “ illegal hunters” dalam pilihan jawaban (A).

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